Welcome to the Association of Indian Go Players!

Indian Representative Selection Tournament for Korean Prime Minister's Cup, 2024

AIGP has been invited by the Korean Baduk Federation to participate in the Korea Prime Minister Cup 2024.


  • Selection Tournament: 13 - 19 May, online on OGS
  • Main Tournament: 20th September to 26th September 2024, in-person in South Korea


Please signup by 12th May 2024 at https://forms.gle/BJEjdtJAnwF8V3s9A

Eligibility Criteria

  • Only Indian Nationals will be allowed to participate in the selection tournament.
  • Accommodation and Travel costs will be borne by AIGP / KBF
  • Minimum rank of 15 kyu to be eligible for selection
  • Ping me or nukeu666 if you have any questions